Arsenal wants agent Verdiene to mediate with Zenit over Arshavin return

Arsenal are confident that the situation with Arshavn is resolved, and the club has signed the agent of the player.
The club is confident that this will help them to solve the problem with the player, who has not been in the team for a long time.
“We are confident in the situation,” the club’s head coach told the press. “We have signed the player and we are confident we can solve the situation.”
The player has not played for the club for a year, and he has not yet met the team. The club is hoping that the player will soon be able to do his best in the field.
Arsenal is also confident that they will be able resolve the situation in the near future. The player has a contract with the club, and it is not clear how long he will be allowed to stay.

‘We are ready to do our best’
The situation with the situation is not the first time that the club is in the middle of disputes with its players. The situation with Ozil was resolved, but the situation regarding Arshavi is still unresolved.
However, the club does not want to leave the player in the lurch, and they are confident they can resolve the issue.
In the summer, the player joined the club on a free transfer, and now the club wants to make him a starter.
This is the reason why the club signed the young player from the Netherlands.
After the club had signed the goalkeeper, the situation was resolved. However, the goalkeeper did not stay long, and Arsenal is now looking for a new goalkeeper.
Thus, the team is confident it will be in a position to sign a new one.
Who will be the new goalkeeper?
The goalkeeper position is one of the most coveted positions in the club. The team is now trying to find a goalkeeper who can play in the position of a goalkeeper. The goalkeeper position in the current Arsenal lineup is not very good, and this is why the team has to find another goalkeeper.
The team has already signed the new striker, but they are not sure whether he will stay for long.
Many fans are hoping that this new striker will become a starter, and then the club will be ready to sign another goalkeeper, who will be a replacement for the one who is leaving the team, and will be an important player for the team in the future.
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Main Intrigues of the Season
The main intrigue of the season is the fact that the team will play with the young goalkeeper. He has already played with the team a few times, and many fans are looking forward to the team’sto play with him.
Another intrigue of this season is that the goalkeeper is the only one who can save the team from relegation. This is another reason why many fans hope that the young man will become the new keeper.
There are also rumors that the new player will be signed by the club in the summer.
It is still unclear whether the club plans to sign the new goalie, or if the club decides to keep the player for another season.
If the club signs the new guy, then the team can be ready for the fight for the title.
How will the team look in the new season?
Arsenal has a good lineup, and if the team plays with the new young player, then it will not be a problem for the Gunners.
They have a good goalkeeper, and there are many other players who can also play in defense.
Moreover, the young guy can become a good replacement for Ozil, who is not able to play for a longer time. The Gunners have a long bench, so they will not have problems with injuries.
All this will allow the club to fight for a place in the top 4.
Team’ssuccesses in the Premier League
In summer, Arsenal was in a difficult situation. The main goal of the team was to get into the Champions League zone. However the club failed in this, and after the season ended, the Gunner’s
team lost the title to Manchester City.
Now, the main intrigue is whether the team manages to win the title again, or whether they will finish in the lower part of the standings.
As for the main competitors of the Gunnery, it is difficult to say who will win the championship. The current season is not over yet, and we will see who will finish at the top of the table.
One of the main contenders for the victory is Liverpool, but this is not a guarantee that the Reds will be at the head of the championship table. In fact, the Merseysiders have a very good lineup.
Liverpool has a very strong lineup, which can be a real problem for Arsenal.
At the same time, the Reds have a lot of problems in defense, and their main competitor is Tottenham Hotspurs.

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